Thursday, June 30, 2005


The times in your life when you’re most alone are the times that you learn so much. God has really rocked my world lately. There are so many things that I have learned about myself. One big one is my pride and how I care so much way people think about me or what I'm in charge of. But tonight I hit a big wall I was told that I would not have a leadership position this summer because then need me to do video. Wow that really hit me hard because I was looking forward to leading. I guess God has different plans. So I pray that God would make clear what he wants me to do this summer and where I can serve Him the best. God is awesome though I have learned so much about the power of prayer and that I need to meet God daily and pour out my heart to Him. There are many Good things about the summer so far but as just the same it is a very hard summer emotionally and physically. I have seen God bless many things My relationship with Chanda for one she is an amazing girl and we decide to talk once a week and it has been awesome to see God bless that time as well as bless the time that I would talk to her with awesome conversation with guys from project. But all in all I'm just confused and I LOVE IT!!!!


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